How to Snap the Rectangle Center with Center Snap

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How to Snap the Rectangle Center with Center Snap

Today I will introduce the feature of Center Snap in ZWCAD2012.

With the Center Snap feature in   CAD Software, users can not only snap to the center of a circle or an arc, but also quickly snap to the center of rectangle! The following easy steps tell you the tricks!

Firstly, draw a rectangle.

Secondly, run the Draft Settings dialog box and check on Center option.

After the Center is turned on, we can check how the Center Snap works.

Run the “Line” command (or any other commands), whenever we put the cursor close to either side of the rectangle, the center symbol appears.


The method could be likewise used for snapping the center of triangle, pentagon, hexagon or even the N-polygon. The only defect is that Center Snap feature applies for the polygon objects created by the commands such as “rectang” and “polygon” but doesn’t work for the Regular quadrilateral objects created by lines.

Of course, you could always position the center with the function of boost lines. However, this could be painful. That’s why I am using the time saving Center Snap of ZWCAD2012 to facilitate my 2D design!


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